

Join Bucks Audubon for this week-long social distancing bioblitz! All you need to do is visit the property and document what you see using iNaturalist. Upon registration, you will be sent more details about your “quadrant” or section to search through. Registration is required to ensure that the whole property is inventoried.

In the “NOTES” section at checkout, please let us know what your experience and comfort level with identification is (“Expert ornithologist, backyard birder, nature hobbyist, beginner, etc…)

Admission is free, however donations are greatly appreciated.

SKU: N/A Category:


Join Bucks Audubon for this week-long social distancing bioblitz! All you need to do is visit the property and document what you see using iNaturalist. Upon registration, you will be sent more details about your “quadrant” or section to search through. Registration is required to ensure that the whole property is inventoried.

In the “NOTES” section at checkout, please let us know what your experience and comfort level with identification is (“Expert ornithologist, backyard birder, nature hobbyist, beginner, etc…)

Admission is free, however donations are greatly appreciated.

Additional information

Added Donation

$0, $5, $10, $15, $25

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