
The mission and vision of any scouting organization includes preparing our young people to be responsible, caring, participating citizens that make the world a better place. Here at Bucks County Audubon Society we embody those goals in our own mission of educating citizens in conservation and stewardship of the environment. 

Don’t see what you’re looking for below? Email Diane, Director of Education, at and we’ll work with you to create a program for your scouts!

Check out our Girl Scout programs, Cub Scout programs, or Other Scouting Programs.

Girl Scouts

Let us help your girl and your troop on their Journey! We can provide help with It’s Your Planet – Love It!, Outdoor STEM: Think Like a Citizen Scientist, and Outdoor Journeys. We can help your troop earn Badges and Awards! We also offer Scouting Camp-Outs (see Other Programs Below for program details)

Cost is $12.00 per scout, with a minimum fee of $75.  Program lasts 1.5 hours.

Daisy Scouts

  • Outdoor Art Maker
  • Eco Learner
  • Daisy Trail Adventurer


Brownie Scouts

  • Outdoor Art
  • Eco-Friend
  • Bugs
  • Hiker
  • W.O.W (Wonders of Water)
  • Brownie Trail Adventurer

Junior Scouts

  • Outdoor Art
  • Eco-Camper
  • Flowers
  • Water Wonders
  • Junior Trail Adventurer

Cub Scouts

We offer Scouting Camp-Outs (see other programs below for more program details). We can also help your scouts with the following merit badges:

Bird Study, Forestry, Reptiles and Amphibians, Insect Study, Nature, Soil and Water Conservation and Wilderness Survival.

Cost is $8.00 per scout, with a minimum fee of $75.  Program lasts 1.5 hours.


  • Tigers in the Wild
  • Backyard Jungle



  • Paws on the Path
  • Grow Something
  • Call of the Wild


  • Fur, Feathers, Ferns


  • Into the Woods
  • Into the Wild

Other Programs 

Eagle Scout, Silver & Gold Award Projects

We always have great project opportunities to fulfill your scout requitements. Interested in working on your service project at Bucks Audubon? Click below or email Diane Smith, Director of Education at

Scouting Camp-Out

Looking for a great camping experience? Pitch your tents out on our property and sleep under the stars. Camp out experience is $200/troop and provides you with the use of our property and indoor facilities overnight.

Add on a program to enhance your camp-out experience! (See above for individual program pricing)

Campfire & Night Hike

Join Bucks Audubon around the campfire for an evening of nighttime fun! We’ll learn about camp fire building and safety and experience a unique, nighttime hiking adventure led by one of our Naturalists.

This 2.5 hour experience is $150/troop. 

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