Nature Lover’s Book Club
Doylestown Bookshop 16 S. Main St., Doylestown, PA, United StatesThe Bucks County Audubon Society welcomes you to join us at the Doylestown Bookshop for a fun and engaging discussion about all things nature. We will be meeting the 4th Thursday evening of the month, starting at 6:15 p.m. We welcome your insights and input for future readings. Bring a friend and make a new […]
Birding 101 Workshop
Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United StatesLove birds but not sure what you’re looking at? Want to be able to identify birds in your yard or elsewhere? Join Bucks County Audubon Society for a Birding 101 course and learn how to become one of the more than 50 million Americans that love bird watching! In this 1 day course we’ll teach […]
Bird Box Decorating Contest Registration Opens!
Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United StatesCelebrate our 50th Anniversary with us by creating exciting home for local bird species through our Bird Box Decorating Contest! Box registration opens on Feb. 1st. Deadline to drop decorated box off at Bucks Audubon is March 22nd. Winners announced April 13th at our Earth Day Festival. For rules, requirements, and Box registration, click here!
National Audubon Photography Awards Exhibit Begins!
Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United StatesThe National Audubon has selected contest winners from thousands of entries. These photos are now being sent from Audubon Chapter to Chapter to be on display for a few weeks. BCAS […]
Exhibit Opening Reception & Lecture
Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United StatesNeed an excuse to go out on a date night or just looking for the next best thing in the art scene? We’ve got the perfect event ! Join us as we celebrate the opening of the National Audubon Photography Exhibit! Since it's our 50th Anniversary, we're very excited to host events with the Audubon […]
Great Backyard Bird Count & Winter Hike
Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United StatesJoin BCAS Naturalists as we take part in another Citizen Science program, searching for birds around our property! A brief presentation will be followed by a birding hike. Volunteers from around the world are invited to count the birds they see for at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the count, then […]
Advocacy in the Watershed
Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United StatesAdvocacy in the Watershed: Simple Ways You Can Affect Real, Positive Change for Our Clean Water Sources Participants will be able to learn about the Honey Hollow and Delaware River […]
Nature Lover’s Book Club
Doylestown Bookshop 16 S. Main St., Doylestown, PA, United StatesBucks County Audubon Society welcomes you to join us at the Doylestown Bookshop for a fun and engaging discussion about all things nature. We will be meeting the 4th Thursday evening […]
Home School Spring Session
Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United StatesWant your homeschooler to learn more about nature in a relaxed, interactive atmosphere? Join our weekly home school session! This class is suited to all elementary aged school children! Your child will get to hear a story, go on a hike, and do a craft all based off of the week’s topic. Register Here!
Family Astronomy Night
Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United StatesOpen the world up to your children by showing them the stars! Join our Family Astronomy night for an evening of star-gazing, learning about constellations, and searching for planets! Register […]