Pumpkin Carving

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Help us line the trails with Jack-O-Lanterns for our Haunted Trails event by carving a pumpkin! We will provide the pizza, refreshments, and carving utensils, all you need is yourself […]

Haunted Trails

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

This awesome family fun event includes a fun and educational walk along our Jack-o-lantern lit trails, storytelling around the campfire, Halloween crafts, face-painting, seasonal refreshments and more! Admission is $5/person or $20/family (BCAS Members), and $30/family (Non-Members). Register here:https://www.bcas.org/product/haunted-trails/

Cape May Birding Trip – CANCELLED

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Unfortunately we have to cancel our Cape May Birding field trip for this weekend due to inclement weather. We apologize for the inconvenience! 

CANCELLED: Watershed 101

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Join Audubon Society’s Field Organizer Emily Ferrin at Bucks Audubon (2877 Creamery Road, New Hope, PA 18938) for beer and pretzels while she explains the importance of our watersheds, and what […]

DIY Natural Holiday Decoration

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Excited to get your house all festive for the winter but want to avoid all of that plastic? Join BCAS for an afternoon of DIY fun for the family as […]

“Catching the Sun” Movie Screening

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

2019 is our 50th Anniversary and we are so excited to announce that this year's Capital Campaign is for Bucks Audubon to go solar! Many townships in Bucks County and […]

Climate Watch: Citizen Science Training

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Beginning this winter, volunteers for Bucks Audubon’s Climate Watch will be visiting their favorite birding spots twice a year, looking for bluebirds and nuthatches. However, these familiar species are more than just a joy to behold––both of them can teach scientists how birds are coping with our warming world. By comparing volunteers’ observations of bluebirds and […]

Owl Prowl

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

What goes “Whoooooo” in the night? Learn about Owl behavior, anatomy, and habitat during a brief presentation by our own Naturalists and then take a hike to search for these elusive night raptors! SPACE FILLED! Thank you so much to all those who have registered.

School Holiday Camp – CANCELLED

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

We get it; it’s hard when your child has off of school when you don’t! That’s why we created these “School Holiday Camps”. Drop off your child at 9am and pick them back up at 3pm after a fun-filled day of nature exploration and discovery! Each day features unique games, hikes, science experiments, and crafts […]