School Holiday Camp: Happy, Haunted Halloween

Let’s take a look at the spooky stuff and become mad scientists here at Bucks County Audubon Society! Appropriate costumes encouraged! Drop off your child at 9am and pick them back up at 3pm after a fun-filled day of nature exploration and discovery! Unique games, hikes, science experiments, and crafts tie in to the day’s theme: […]


Pumpkin Carving

Calling all pumpkin artist extraordinaires! Join the BCAS staff as we get ready for our Haunted Trails event by carving up the pumpkins that will line the trails! The night of pumpkin guts, creativity and excitement starts at 6pm and will continue until we're finished! We have tools and some stencils, but please feel free […]

Haunted Trails – The Secret Lives of Insects

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

What secrets are being kept from you? Find out in this family-friendly, non-scary event as you venture down our Jack-O-Lantern lit trails! Our educational "insects" will spill the beans and let you in on their secrets. Start your evening outside on our trails or by the story-telling witch, or inside getting your face painted and enjoying […]

Soil to Sheep: Sustainable Agriculture with Carversville Farm Foundation

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Join BCAS and Carversville Farm Foundation as we explore the important of soil on a healthy watershed as well as an update on the restoration of our agricultural field with a family-friendly walk through and exploration. Ron Moule, of CFF, will be leading the hike.

Nurture Your Inner Naturalist: Project Snow Storm

Delaware Valley University 700 E. Butler Ave, Doylestown, PA, United States

Did you know that Snowy Owls are venturing further and further south than they normally do? Scientists are trying to learn more about why this is and be able to discover more about Snowy Owl behavior. This November’s Nurture Your Inner Naturalist Series, put on by Bucks County Audubon Society at Honey Hollow, will take […]

School Holiday Camp: Never Fear, Nature’s Here!

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Nature provides us with so much, from food, to shelter, to recreation! Let’s enjoy it and be thankful for all that nature gives us. Drop off your child at 9am and pick them back up at 3pm after a fun-filled day of nature exploration and discovery! Unique games, hikes, science experiments, and crafts tie in to […]


School Holiday Camp: #OptOutside

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Instead of going Black Friday Shopping, opt to go outside here at Bucks County Audubon Society! Drop off your child at 9am and pick them back up at 3pm after a fun-filled day of nature exploration and discovery! The day features unique games, hikes, science experiments, and crafts that all tie in to the day’s […]
