Young Nature Explorers Starts

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

This new program, similar to our Pre-School Explorers program, will get kids outside discovering and learning all year long! This extended program will be weekly for 2 months (ending on […]

Owl Prowl & Night Hike – SOLD OUT

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

What goes “Whoooooo” in the night? Learn about Owl behavior, anatomy, and habitat during a presentation and then take a hike to search for these elusive night raptors! Space Capped! Thank you everyone for your interest in these wonderful birds!

Birding 101

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Love birds but not sure what you’re looking at?  Want to be able to identify birds in your yard or elsewhere?  Join Bucks County Audubon Society for a Birding 101 course and learn how to become one of the more than 50 million Americans that love bird watching! In this 1 day course we’ll teach […]

Advocacy for a Cleaner Earth

Delaware Valley University 700 E. Butler Ave, Doylestown, PA, United States

Are you passionate about saving the environment and want to do something more to advocate for it? Learn about advocacy (on a federal AND personal level) regarding different environmental topics (such as climate change, wildlife conservation, habitat protection, etc…) from professionals during this season’s lecture series at Delaware Valley University! This month's presentation is sponsored with […]

Backyard Bird Count & Hike

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Join BCAS Naturalists as we take part in another Citizen Science program, searching for birds around our property! A brief presentation will be followed by a birding hike.

School Holiday Camp

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

This President's Day, bring your kids to our School Holiday Camp filled with natural discoveries! This month's theme is "A State of Matter" where we will look at water and it's many forms like ice, rain, fog and more through hands-on science experiments. We will provide snack, but please provide lunch for your child. Please […]

Beekeeping Demo

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Local Beekeeper, Chuck Pressler, will be discussing the joy of beekeeping along with how important honeybees as well as other pollinators are important to us. He will also be talk about the products that come from honeybees along with the health benefits of raw honey. Chuck has been beekeeping for 6 years and also mentors new beekeepers. He keeps bees on his […]


School Holiday Camp – Spring Break

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

We get it; it’s hard when your child has off of school when you don’t! That’s why we created these “School Holiday Camps”. Drop off your child at 9am and pick them back up at 3pm after a fun-filled day of nature exploration and discovery! Remember, you can register for one, or all of the […]

Advocacy & Action – Letter Writing

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Ever wanted to write a letter to your congressman, but couldn’t think of what to say? BCAS is offering an Action Night where you can learn how to write an […]