Birds & Brews

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Bucks Audubon is excited to offer a new birding experience for those interested in more of a social venture. Join us first, at 5:30pm, for a bird walk excursion at Pine Run - meet at Iron Hill Rd. Parking lot. Bring your binoculars, a field guide, and camera if you desire. Then, after the walk, […]

Farewell to Summer Campfire Night

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Join Bucks Audubon as we bid adieu to the summer season and welcome the coziness of fall in a campfire! Campfire starts at 6:30pm! Join us for s’mores, refreshments, and star gazing. Register Here


Nature Lover’s Book Club

Doylestown Bookshop 16 S. Main St., Doylestown, PA, United States

We welcome all nature lovers and book lovers to join us for a monthly discussion at the Doylestown Bookshop. For upcoming book readings, discussion questions, and background information on the book of the month, visit We look forward to having your insight!

The Artsy Naturalist DIY Night with The Art of Ecology

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Discover more about the natural world by creating a trendy piece of art to help deepen your understanding of the topic! This month, Marissa, of The Art of Ecology, will be painting Galaxy Wine Glasses (can also double as a candle holder when turned upside-down!) and exploring what makes nebulas, stars, and comets so special! […]


School Holiday Camp

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

We get it; it’s hard when your child has off of school when you don’t! That’s why we created these “School Holiday Camps”. Drop off your child at 9am and […]

Art of the Barn: Opening Wine & Cheese Reception/Lecture

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Bucks Audubon is excited to announce that the Art of the Barn Tour on October 5th & 6th! To help get you excited about the tour and to help educate […]


Art of the Barn Tour

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Fall is a perfect time for the Barn Tour and Art Show! This tour features many historic, beautiful barns and highly talented and varied artists from the Bucks County Region. […]

School Holiday Camp

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

We get it; it’s hard when your child has off of school when you don’t! That’s why we created these “School Holiday Camps”. Drop off your child at 9am and […]

Pumpkin Carving Night

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Help us line the trails with Jack-O-Lanterns for our Haunted Trails event by carving a pumpkin! We will provide the pizza, refreshments, and carving utensils, all you need is yourself and a pumpkin! Pumpkins will then go out on our trails. Come see your carved pumpkin all lit up during our Haunted Trails event on […]