Hello Summer! Campfire and Camp Out

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Join BCAS as we ring in the summer with a celebratory camp fire! Roast some marshmallows, listen to some music and enjoy the season! After the campfire, pitch your tent and watch the stars come out and fall asleep to the sounds of nature. Breakfast will be served in the morning. Campfire is $5/BCAS Members, […]


Summer Eco-Camp! : What’s Your Habitat?

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Join in as we learn all about the habitats that the animals of BCAS call home! Which one is your favorite - the stream, forest, or field? BCAS Summer Camp strives to foster the child-nature connection so that all children can learn, play and grow with nature every day. We believe that a combination of […]

When Nature Gets Nasty: Panel Discussion and Reception

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Want to keep your family, pets and self safe from ticks and other disease carrying pests this summer? Join BCAS for a panel discussion led by tick and mosquito disease specialists such as Dr. Stanley Plotkin, Dr. John Shiver, and Dr. Ian Spiegel. Feel free to ask questions and learn all you can to stay […]


Saturday Morning Bird Walks

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Join our naturalists for a guided bird walk on our property! Please bring binoculars/camera and field book if you have them, and appropriate shoes for walking along natural trails. No experience […]

Beautiful Butterflies

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Love butterflies and pollinators? Learn all about them during our annual Butterfly Count citizen science project! Join us for a brief presentation and then head out to our fields and meadows […]


Summer Eco-Camp!: Ex-STREAM Explorers

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

From catching crayfish in the stream to jumping in the creek, to scooping up pond animals, this week is perfect for any water-lover! BCAS Summer Camp strives to foster the […]

Cold-Blooded Critters: PARS

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Fascinated with reptiles and amphibians? So are we! Join us for a herpetology presentation and then we'll head to our streams and forests to search out the slimy salamanders, slithery […]

“The Messenger” Movie Night

ACME Screening Room 25 S. Union St., Lambertville, NJ, United States

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjQtRr4CKcc&feature=youtu.be   Join us at the ACME Screening Room in Lambertville, NJ for a showing of the movie "The Messenger"! Stay afterwards to discuss it with like-minded people and make […]

Advocacy for a Cleaner Earth Series

Delaware Valley University 700 E. Butler Ave, Doylestown, PA, United States

Are you passionate about saving the environment and want to do something more to advocate for it? Learn about advocacy regarding different environmental topics (such as air, water, gas, etc...) from […]


Homeschool Session

Visitor Center 2877 Creamery Road , New Hope, United States

Want your homeshcooler to learn more about nature in a relaxed, interactive atmosphere? Join our weekly homeschool session! This class is based off of our Pre-School Explorer program, but has been adapted to suit all elementary aged school children! Your child will get to hear a story, go on a hike, and do a craft all based off […]