Bucks County Audubon Society invites you to a Bioblitz of the Honey Hollow Watershed!  We welcome beginners, experts and families to accompany and learn from expert field Biologists and Naturalists! This citizen science project will be using iNaturalist and we encourage you to join iNaturalist and enter data under the “Honey Hollow Watershed Natural Resource Inventory” project! (Click here to create your iNaturalist account!) The data gathered will be compared to data gathered 50 years ago at Honey Hollow for the Honey Hollow Revisited Inventory Project that is currently taking place. Data gathered is useful to not only Bucks Audubon but also the rest of the world.

Throughout the weekend event, experts will be available to answer your questions.  We encourage you to explore on your own or join an expert in the field.  Feel free to bring a picnic breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Participants will track down and learn more about:

  • lichens
  • mushrooms
  • mammals
  • wasps and bees
  • wildflowers
  • trees and shrubs
  • ferns
  • birds
  • butterflies
  • dragonflies and herps
  • reptiles and amphibians



Participants will learn about using a trail camera, monitoring water quality, providing and monitoring nest boxes, raising bees, and more!

Enjoy a day immersed in nature, learning about the rich biodiversity of Bucks County!

We hope you’ll register so we can get a feel for attendance size and main interests.

This event and the entire Honey Hollow Revisited Inventory are being made possible by generous funding from Bucks County Tourism, the Burpee Foundation, the Marshall-Reynolds Foundation, the McLean Contributionship and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. 


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